Give a Missed Call for Home Loan 9977860860
The concerned Borrowers/Mortgagors are given the last opportunity to foreclose the respective Loan Accounts in full, with all interest and charges accrued therein, till one working day prior to the date of acceptance of the Bid Form, failing which mortgaged properties will be sold as per mentioned schedule.
The particulars in respect of the immovable secured properties specified in the auction publication have been stated to the best of the information and knowledge of Grihum Housing Finance Limited (the “Company”), who shall however not be responsible for any error, misstatement or omission in the said particulars. The Prospective Bidder/Purchaser is requested, in their own interest, to satisfy themselves with regard to the above and other relevant details pertaining to the above-mentioned properties before submitting their bids.
Sale is strictly subject to the terms and conditions mentioned hereunder.
Place: Authorised Officer
for Grihum Housing Finance Limited