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Loan Against Property

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Loan Against Property Interest Rates / Loan Against Property Rates

Understanding the financial aspects of your Loan Against Property is essential.

We believe in complete transparency and affordability, ensuring that your homeownership journey is smooth and stress-free.

Here’s what you need to know about our Loan Against Property interest rates and charges:

Interest Rates
Competitive Interest Rates for Your Comfort
  • Our Loan Against Property interest rates are not just competitive; they are designed to be affordable, starting at just 11.00% to 23.45% p.a.
  • You can easily calculate your Equated Monthly Installments (EMIs) using our Home EMI Calculator, providing you with clarity and enabling you to make informed decisions about your loan.

Foreclosure Charges
Flexible Foreclosure Charges
  • Floating Rate Home Extension Loans: No foreclosure charges are applicable, providing you with the flexibility to close your loan as per your convenience.
  • Fixed Rate Home Extension Loans: Charges may apply as per the Loan Agreement or terms & conditions specified by the National Housing Bank (NHB).
  • Valuation Charges: Applicable for Balance Transfer, Home Equity, and Refinance cases as per actuals, ensuring fairness in the process.

Processing Fee
Transparent Processing Fee

A processing fee of 0.50% on your sanctioned loan amount plus GST is applicable. This transparent fee ensures that you are aware of the charges from the beginning, avoiding any surprises in your financial planning.

Top-Up loan
Comprehensive Information
  • For detailed information on other fees, please refer to our provided link click here.
  • We believe in empowering you with knowledge, ensuring that you have a comprehensive understanding of your Home Loan journey with Grihum Housing Finance.
  • Apply for home loan now and embark on this exciting journey with confidence.

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